Elytis Moralis Tsarouchis • Book Cover • Ελύτης Μόραλης Τσαρούχης

Illustration & book cover artwork for

Elias Petropoulos

“Elytis Moralis Tsarouchis*”

PATAKIS Publications

Εικονογράφηση & σχεδιασμός εξωφύλλου βιβλίου του

Ηλία Πετρόπουλου

“Ελύτης Μόραλης Τσαρούχης”

Εκδόσεις ΠΑΤΑΚΗ


Εικονογράφηση εξωφύλλου Cover Original Illustration:

Ανακρέων Καναβάκης Anakreon Kanavakis

❝ Το παρόν γραμμένο για το χατίρι Μιάς, που συχνά ρωτούσε για τον Ελύτη και τον Μόραλη και τον Τσαρούχη, είναι και πρέπει να διαβάζεται σαν σειρά ερωτικών επιστολών.
Θεωρώ αναγκαίο να τονίσω ότι ο αναγνώστης του βιβλίου αυτού οφείλει να είναι άριστος γνώστης του έργου των Ελύτη και Μόραλη και Τσαρούχη […]❞

Ηλίας Πετρόπουλος

❝ This book was written for the sake of a woman, who often asked about Elytis and Moralis and Tsarouchis. It is and should be read as a series of love letters.
I consider it very important to emphasize that the reader of this book must be very familiar with the work of Elytis and Moralis and Tsarouchis […]

Elias Petropoulos

Odysseus Elytis: Greek poet Yiannis Moralis: Greek visual artist Yannis Tsarouchis: Greek painter

Photographing a cover with mirror foil printing can be tricky! Το εξώφυλλο έχει εκτύπωση καθρέπτη… εξού και η αλλαγή φωτισμού στη φωτογράφιση.

11 thoughts on “Elytis Moralis Tsarouchis • Book Cover • Ελύτης Μόραλης Τσαρούχης

  1. Well, you were successful! It looks like a book cover to be seen and touched in person.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, that’s very good to hear!!! 😉
      Thank you, my dear Mary Jo! xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  2. That is a great looking book cover. I love the balloon reference.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You got it! I’m very happy you like it!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Your father is amazing talented. Nw I know where you get it from! Please give hime my regards, admiration and respects! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww… thank you!!!! I will tell him!
      Watching him work with paintbrushes and colors was my favorite time of the day, as a kid! 💖❤🤗❤💖


      1. 💖❤🤗❤💖💖❤🤗❤💖

        Liked by 1 person

        1. ❤️💖❤️💖❤️
          He says “humble, thank you for your kind words”!
          I say: Mouah! 😉

          Liked by 1 person

          1. MOUAH!!!!! xoxoxooxoxoxooxoxoxooxoxo

            Liked by 1 person

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